REAR 96 Victor Cres Narre Warren
Evangelist & Revivalist Paul Furlong
REAR 96 Victor Cres Narre Warren
Evangelist & Revivalist Paul Furlong
Come join us for worship, prayer & Gods Word each Sunday 10am & Wednesday 7pm
Monthly 5 nights across suburbs in Melbourne & country towns Wednesday - Sunday
"TEXT" me for more details or to be added to list for updates 0414375106
The blind see, the deaf hear, the crippled walk & all those in sickness & pain receive healing in Jesus name. Broken hearts run into God's arms.
Those bound by darkness & fear & torment are set free.
Gods great love & power is moving across many nations as the FULL GOSPEL is proclaimed through Evangelist Paul Furlong! . . .
International Evangelist Paul Furlong (Australia) Taking the full Gospel in word & deed to touch lives with the power & love of God through Gospel, Healing & Revival Crusades, open air in cities & villages around the world, signs following unto God's glory!
Teaching God's Word (The FULL GOSPEL means declaring His kindness and severity) in truth & power,
Evangelist & Revivalist Paul Furlong has been travelling over 12 years (nearly every month) to a different Nation to carry the Gospel message, the power & glory of God in Revival.
God is moving in great power in these final last days before His return, to gather souls into His Kingdom. The Word & invitation is going forth, & to all who hear, believe, receive & obey there is great reward unto eternal life through Jesus Christ God's Son.
"I believe the greatest threat today is the MANY false prophets & teachers preaching a FALSE dangerous, sound good gospel lulling many into worldliness and unbiblical acceptance to God. It is a humanistic gospel seeking the happiness of man NOT the glory of God!" .... Paul Furlong
( Pastor The Revival Church Melbourne Australia)
Pastor Paul Furlong
After 17 days in jail Pastor Paul Furlong has been released on strict bail conditions late Tuesday night 15th June arriving home approx 10PM. He wishes to thank people all across Australia & around the world for their PRAYERS.
Pastor Paul Furlong attended Court recently with a outcome of "No conviction , no undertaking or bonds, with $1500 to the poor box" The magistrate stated on sentencing...
"You are a man of great works, if you had not presented yourself the way you presented yourself, the outcome would have been an entirely different outcome"
We give God all the praise and GLORY!!!.
Including a continual stand against injustice & wickedness, Pastor Paul Furlong will focus on the straight and narrow Gospel message & requirements of salvation and continue to serve the Kingdom of God and His Church in the message of Salvation, Repentance & Holiness.
Donations & Support here
Any support or donations Please contact me directly
Worship, Message and testimony of REVIVAL in Jail!
Pastor Paul Furlong is conducting Concerts & open air revivals across Melbourne & Victoria weekly...
Check out this video Gods power and glory through the gospel touching lives in healing ... Live Video clips of revivals around the world! Evangelist & Revivalist Paul Furlong Pastor at The Revival Church Melbourne Australia
Please stand with me & HELP me take the Gospel in great power to rescue the lost, healing to broken hearts & set captives free! $500 will conduct x2 nights full crusade & win 1000's to Christ!
All donations go 100% to win souls & to take the Gospel directly to the hungry & needy!!! CLICK HERE
Singer Song Writer Paul Furlong in Concerts & Ministry in song!
One night of glory concerts & revivals around the world.
FREE women from sex traficking, Rescue orphans, free slaves, drill fresh water, feed the poor & much more.
"Paul is a powerful evangelist with a passion & sense of purpose that is amazing.....His anointed ministry is impacting in an extraordinary way across the planet ...Great signs, wonders and healing follow in every place he goes as thousands of people are saved. I have tremendous respect for this great man of God".
Tim Hall
Watch just a few of many hundreds of powerful unadulterated Word of God ..
Teaching & preaching solid Gospel messages unto Holiness & maturity of the saints..
These message will store your heart, challenge & motivate you to press harder after God in obedience & follow hard after Him to inherit all His promises & live in His love & power!!!
See many more here.
Watch just a few of many hundreds of powerful unadulterated Word of God teaching & preaching by Evangelist Paul Furlong ( Pastor The Revival Ministries Church Melbourne Australia) ..
Teaching & preaching solid Gospel messages unto Holiness & maturity of the saints..
These message will store your heart, challenge & motivate you to press harder after God in obedience & follow hard after Him to inherit all His promises & live in His love & power!!! Experience the glory, power & healing work of God...
See many more TUBE CHANNEL.
The band has finally arrived! After many years solo, Paul Furlong has invited some great musicians to join him in reaching out with some awesome Gospel Music (All songs words/Music Paul Furlong). The passion is God & Souls. To touch lives with some real Christian Music (rock, ballads & jazz/country feel. Actually an AMAZING mix of music genre that pleases many music lovers.The words are powerful to bring a message to challenge, encourage & impact every listener to draw close to God & enter into Gods calling for your life. Paul Has four albums releasedHave a Little Faith SomedayAll I Want Hear The Cry
UNMASKED THE BAND plays weekly across Melbourne.. Contact us for details on FB
"Nothing can make a man truly great but being truly good, and partaking of God's holiness."
Matthew Henry
“You have nothing to do but to save souls. Therefore spend and be spent in this work. And go not only to those that need you, but to those that need you most… It is not your business to preach so many times, and to take care of this or that society; but to save as many souls as you can; to bring as many sinners as you possibly can to repentance.”.....
John Wesley
"Some people do not like to hear much of repentance; but I think it is so necessary that if I should die in the pulpit, I would desire to die preaching repentance, and if out of the pulpit I would desire to die practicing it."...
Matthew Henry
Do YOU have a heart for souls? REALLY...? Will you sacrifice to win lives into God's Kingdom & set them free from the powers of darkness & bring them into light?
Many people talk a lot, but do little!
The Harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few!
This harvest & ministry is totally funded by people who have a burden for souls in these last days!
Donate your support now & Join with me for souls, together we can touch lives for ETERNITY!
The Primary purpose of these Gospel Crusades, Healing & REVIVAL meetings...
is to preach the gospel message in its fullness & simplicity with the promise according to scripture to see Divine healing and signs following the word in order to display the realness & power of God in the midst of our community.
To lead people to Jesus!......
He is the author & finisher of our faith! The beginning & the end, Salvation is found in no other name. "To Plunder Hell & Populate Heaven" by seeing lives come to the knowledge of God according to the Holy Scriptures & enter the Kingdom of God. To see these lives grow on a rock solid foundation & mature into disciples who love, worship, hear & obey God's calling & purpose for their lives. To see God, in His sovereign power, bring salvation, healing, restoration, deliverance & love. "forsake all & follow Christ" . . . & then you will live!
To call in all those that are hurting, backsliding, frustrated, not in fellowship, or sitting in churches that are dead To reach all those in need with the gospel & God's love. To preach a clear message of repentance, salvation & Holiness that will challenge all the saints & leaders in or out of churches to wake up & get on fire & start living for God.
To challenge churches to stop preaching a watered down gospel & compromising message & to preach, teach & prophesy truth, repentance & salvation. For Church leaders to stop lording it over the saints & to equip, encourage & release all to the ministry that is evident in their lives by the deposit of God. God is our Father, we obey Him alone! The church is His body working together & allowing each part to fulfill its role & purpose. Encourage, exhort, submit & esteem others more important than ourselves. We need more unity & humility in the church & its leaders. WE are building God's house & kingdom, not our own. Unity does not necessarily mean uniformity, as there are different gifting, personalities & many ways you can do things accordingly.
The strength in a team of elders/leaders is in this exact God-given & ordained diversity. To conform to one way only is restricting & controlling. Conformity is a subtle force that increases its pressure in time. Just as water seeks the lowest level so the pressure to conform drags a team, church & individuals down.
Each ministry gifting is unique & therefore should not be made to conform to a set mold.
Romans 12:4-61
"Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have
the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. we have different gifts, according to the grace given us.
The blind see, the deaf hear the lame walk, cancer & all diseases flee "aids" healed, tumors, diabetes, heart & back problems....more & more! There is nothing God has not touched & healed through the preaching & ministry of His Word....
International Evangelist & Revivalist Paul Furlong Australia....
Revival Crusades world wide/Healing Crusades/Gospel Crusades!
Evangelist Paul Furlong's passion is for souls & Revival as he preaches the full Gospel with demonstration of the power & presence of God. With a strong heart & gift for worship, Evangelist Paul Furlong is a singer song writer & anointed preacher of the Good News of the Gospel. Moving in healing & signs & wonders as God confirms His Word with signs following and Healing!
He has a desire & a hunger for REVIVAL & carries this touch of God on His life to empower & refresh those who are hungry for more of God!... A true Evangelist for God and Pastor of The Revival Ministries Melbourne Australia.Church.
The world needs to hear a message of Repentance, Hope, Forgiveness, Deliverance, Healing & Salvation!
"The world is not waiting for a new definition of the Gospel, but for a
fresh demonstration of its power & simplicity."
The Gospel is the power of God that leads us to salvation, freedom & life!
We need to show the world the power of God in demonstration of His Spirit, power & love. Revival meetings are needed to touch God & cry out for our nation & to usher in a great awakening of the knowledge & power of God, repentance & salvation!
We need a fresh move of God's power, love & anointing. We need the fear of God in our midst! As Jesus walked we need to walk in our communities....in love & in demonstration of His healing power & deliverance. Many people are sick, lonely, hurting & held captive by addictions & fears.
JESUS came to set us free & give us life to its fullest.
JESUS still heals, saves & delivers today just as He did when He walked this earth 2000 years ago!
Do You desire more of God?
Are you sick & tired of a lay-back, complacent & watered down, user friendly Gospel?
Yes, we need to worship God & that is part of the purpose of a corporate gathering (no one loves worship more than myself), however are we balanced in being active in reaching our communities for Christ?.....I don't mean in social welfare (although this is a important part or our duty) but in reaching them with the gospel plain & simple!
When we stand before God will those around us say ...
"You provided for my physical needs, but you never clearly shared the Gospel message with me? . . . now I am dammed forever from God's presence in hell."
Romans 10:14+15
"How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"
It's time Christians lived up to their call...
& that be a serious one, that will affect themselves & those round about them!
"Let your light shine before all men....." Perhaps some Christians are afraid to let their light
shine because what others will see is not light but darkness, hypocrisy & worldliness.
Light exposes darkness & many are afraid to come into the light, & live in the light because it exposes the darkness ungodliness, worldliness & selfishness in their lives.
It's time to "work out our salvation with fear & trembling". The days are coming to a close
& Jesus' return is at hand. Will He find you serving, obeying & living for Him faithfully?
"When He comes will he find faith on the earth?"
We need to be on fire & ablaze for Him through the empowering of His Holy Spirit.
Taking up our cross daily & living for Him.
Sry if you registered before 21/8/21 it was not working PLEASE RE-REGISTER NOW
Welcome to The Revival Ministries Website Evangelist Paul Furlong.
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